2010 Pup 52" cut Zero Turn - Polandmotors

2010 Pup 52″ cut Zero Turn

Original price was: $6,000.00.Current price is: $5,000.00.

 American built Bad Boy,
? 2010 Pup 52″ cut, Commercial quality,
? Separate hydro wheel motors and hydro pumps,
? Done 508 hours, transmissions are Hydro gear with remote oil reservoir
? Comes with 6 months warranty,
Price incl. gst


Zero turn lawn tractor for Sale,
? American built Bad Boy,
? 2010 Pup 52″ cut, Commercial quality,
? Separate hydro wheel motors and hydro pumps,
? Done 508 hours, transmissions are Hydro gear with remote oil reservoir
? Comes with 6 months warranty,
?Price – $6000 incl.
? Call 0800765263 anytime for queries or see more great deals here:

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Before you make any decision we’ll deliver an 2010 Pup 52″ cut Zero Turn to your door for a demo – we want you to truly experience the 2010 Pup 52″ cut Zero Turn before you purchase.

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    Thank you very much for exploring our product range, fill in the form below and one of our specialists will give you a call to understand what your needs and get you the products you need.

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